

Writing a book or marketing a book: which is a herculean task? You as a writer know how to write but the question is; how to market your book?

Writing a book is one of the toughest jobs. It requires your sweat and blood; not to mention many sleepless nights and disturbed sleep. But if you think that a finished manuscript is a job done – mission accomplished: then you are mistaken (unless of course, you are J K Rowling!).

The real hard work starts when you have to market your book and reach out to the audience. Of course, your publishers are supposed to do this job but an extra push and especially if you are a self-publisher then you need to plan ahead of your launch.

Here I will share some tips on how to plan and market your book. These are the tried and tested mantra of some best-selling authors.

  1. You might be a master of language and you know how to play around with words, but if you really want to reach out to audience then you have to keep the content of your book simple, concise and clear concept. Plan your book before actually start writing. Know your ending. Present a problem and work around a solution. Try to communicate with readers not just yourself.
  2. After completing the first draft, refine it to make it global and evergreen. There is no harm in having a book that could be translated into other languages. It’s like to think globally while platting and crafting your work.
  3. Thanks to social media, you have a chance to crowdsource your work. Crowdsource the title, some subtitles, and some engaging excerpts. This will ensure that you will win loyal followers and buyers, once the book is launched.
  4. Using social media create awareness about your work. Create discussions and create engaging topics to raise intrigue among the audience. If you do not have a large follower base, you need to figure out how-to along with the real writing work.
  5. Whichever the launching platforms you are going to use, make sure to put your book as pre-order, a month or so before the launch.
  6. It is highly advisable to publish on all format and platforms. Some such platforms are Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, Createspace etc
  7. The pre-launch period can be spiced up by offering some incentives. These can be reduced prices, a small gift like a bookmark etc, signed copy and the list go on. But keep in mind that this incentive has to be offered for a shorter time window.
  8. Keep the promotion process rolling after the launch. Do not just abandon those social media platforms. Keep the discussion going. Include the reviews.
  9. Build an email. Keep the audience informed why they need to buy your book.
  10. Your publishers will do their job for a limited time. Your extra and prolonged efforts ensure lasting and productive results. So do not be ashamed of Talking about your work.

During this whole process, you will encounter many discouraging comments. But It is your job to believe in yourself. Only those people can be negative who themselves cannot do anything.

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